Free Gmail Invitations
I've been using gmail now for over 9 months and I reckon it is great for a few reasons:
1. Huge storage. 2.6GB and counting. It looks like Gmails (Googles) aim on storage is to add a GB per year; the first year they had 1GB then to celebrate their 1st birthday it was increased to 2GB's and since then it is counting up every day and will reach 3GB's by its 2nd birthday and I guess it won't stop there.
2. It's Free!!!! Need I say any more to this point? I guess not...
3. It is not linked to your ISP. What happens when you change your ISP when you can get a better deal at another? Well, the first thing that happens is that you lose your e-mail address provided by your old ISP. Then you need to tell everyone your new address, etc.....
4. Web based but Pop accessable. You can get your mail with all the popular e-mail clients such as Outlook Express and Thunderbird AND leave a copy archived on the Gmail servers. When you travel you can just log on anywhere and, "wola", there's all your mail. Furthermore, if you have a PC crash or the such and happen to loose all your mail then when you are set up again just download the lot that is archived on the Gmail servers; that's cool!!
5. No spam!!!!!!!!!! So far the only spam I've received is the spam that I have been resopnsible for. By that I mean sites that I left my address.
6. I could go on but you get the idea!!
But it is different in that it does not use folders as per other web based services. You do need to do a bit of "labelling" and house keeping though, directly on the web based application or it will get out of hand. 5 minutes a week is more than enough for a 20-30 emails per day user. I use 4 accounts for various reasons and it is a breeze once you work it out.
So, if anyone wants an invite then find my email address on this blog and send me a mail. In return I'll send an invite.
Tchau for now..............
P.S. Don't take my word for it, go and check it out for yourself.........
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Now you need to "word verify" to spam my blog.
Thanks Blogspot (Google)
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