Wednesday, May 03, 2006

American Media, What A Joke

If John Howard or Tony Blair had this humerous political attack against them then it would be world headlines. But who saw this in US TV or world wide for that matter?

It absolutely amazes me how much of the policies, statements and actions of the grand government of the USA does not reach the people. It also amazes me as to the lack of media that ....................... I could go on..............

I'm quite sure that we outsiders (or aliens as the US call us) have a better understanding as to what is going on in that grand land than the insiders, i.e. citizens.

Many things go on in government and public life that we don't ever hear a word of. And the following is something that, for sure, never made it to CNN or BBC.

So................ This is a little link to a George W Bush roasting that REALLY happened.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

I'm sure the organizer of this event got the sack but thank you Mr. Organizer.

American Media, What A Joke!!! Thanks Fox!!!

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