Friday, April 14, 2006

It's Good Friday!!!

Yep, it's Good Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what is good about it?

The war in Iraq?
The detainees in Guantanamo Bay?
The pigeons that shit on our balcony?
The beautiful beaches in whatever location you're in?
The stock exchange?


It's the beauty of waking up to a new day and enjoying it.

Somehow we are a little bit more sophisticated than ants. Although we are very similar in behaviour we are really only different by the amount of legs and brain capacity. We hunt, we gather, we improve our house, we worship our Queen (or the upper body because we have to), we explore, we ..................

That brings me to the next thought. Religion! What religion do ants have? I guess it's none. So where do they go when they die?

I think about this a lot. I was born a Catholic; baptised, etc, and went to church every Sunday until I was 15 or 16 (without choice). I've lived in Thailand where Buddhism is the In Thing. I've lived in Indonesia and Malaysia where Islam is the In Thing. I've lived in China where whatever the government says is the In Thing (basically just toe the party line). Now I'm in Brazil and I'm back to living amongst serious Christianity and serious crime.

Let's get it right!! Religion is for those that can't face reality and need a feeling of eternity. How can we all be right? Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and all the other factions.

For God's sake (whichever one you worship) just be a good person to your family, neighbour and person that you pass by on the street.

If you do that then you will go to that great promise from whatever you believe in (maybe).

I think that this Friday was as good as the last and it will probably be as good as the next. Maybe there is something in it because Friday is also the primary religious day of Islam.

So, enjoy this Friday as it was the best day of your life, be happy and help others to be happy!!

And then tomorrow do the same....................

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