Thursday, April 06, 2006

My Top 10 Feeds

Okay, heres more.

My top 10 RSS Feeds. (by the way my feed reader is GreatNews). I'll leave out the Mozilla stuff because I don't want to look like I'm advertising.

1. Life Hacker
Without doubt this is my principle source of new technology.

2. FactoryCity by Chris Messina
A lot of his stuff is, for me, garble, but you pick some stuff up. A talented, over involved dude.

3. Dilbert
Get your daily fix. What can I say about Dilbert? He's a dude and his boss sucks.

4. Digg.
A necessary evil. Lots of crap but if you are patient then you will get good stuff here.

5. Nasa's Image Of The Day
You get some spectacular stuff.

6. Nasa's Earth Observatory
Again, you'll get some spectacular stuff.

7. Reuters News
They have a variety of feeds that keep you up to date on world info. I subscribe to 3 feeds.

8. Secunia Security Advisory
Be the first to know what problems exist out there, nasties and viruses.

9. Tumut
If you have a feed reader that supports a search then set it up to see what's going down in your home town.

10. Whatever You Want
There are so many sites out there that support and provide RSS feeds it is ridiculous. Take the time, get yourself a reader and enjoy.

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